Throughout the book of Acts, believing Jesus and what he said is the core value that marked every believer in the first church. Because they believed Jesus, the early Christians were willing to risk everything—their comfort, their homes, even their lives.
This eight-session video Bible study launches into the book of Acts to discover how Jesus' command to spread the gospel changed the lives of those who believed and shaped the culture that surrounded the growing church. At the end of this journey together, not only will you have studied this wild, adventurous, risk-taking book of the Bible; but you'll see how God supernaturally orchestrated the events in Scripture to bring about the message of salvation that the early believers preached.
Today, we are faced with the same risks. Will we truly believe the words of Jesus and allow them to transform every part of our lives?
Who is teaching the class?
Amanda Sanders
When do they meet?
We will meet on Wednesdays at 6:00 PM from February 12th to May 28th. The class will be held in Room 204 in the Main Building at our Newberry Road Campus.
How much does it cost?
Is there childcare?
Childcare is provided for this class. Be sure to let us know you need childcare whenever you register.
How can I sign up?
Do you want to join this class? Wonderful! Fill out the form below and our class leader will be in contact with you soon.
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